Enable universities to manage courses
This Totaljobs CMS was designed to manage an inventory of courses run by universities and course providers, their accounts, billing information and revenue model.
The old content management system was laborious to use as universities and course providers were sending over their courses inventory to be uploaded by Totaljobs staff instead of managing it themselves. This lengthy process meant the business was expending resources & money as this work was being done exclusively by Totaljobs staff.
High level goals
1. Enable universities and course providers to manage their courses themselves.
2. Free up Totaljobs staff to bring new business.
My Role
I worked alongside a UX researcher to design a new management system based on the pain points of Totaljobs employees and external course providers.
Research methods
User interviews, shadowing the course providers and Totaljobs staff was undertaken by the UX researcher.

Reporting - Everything at a glance
This now gives the course providers an overview of how their courses are doing, which are the top performing ones and how much they will be billed.
It also made the switching between provider accounts easier for Totaljobs employees.
Before diving into the details of the project I created a brand new...
Information Architecture
It simplified navigating through the site and made thing more intuitive.

Then we identified our user types and looked at each section of the CMS.
User flows
I created user flows to help us further design and enable the development team to start looking at the back end.
Provider Section of CMS

The provider section helped Totaljobs staff manage the universities and providers more effectively in one place.
It is a brand new section which did not exist in the old CMS.

The view above can be accessed only by staff.
Providers themselves can only see and edit their own profile below.

Courses - The most dynamic area of the CMS
The courses section needed to be packed with lots of functionality whilst being easy to use for both internal Totaljobs staff and external providers.
User flows

I created the user flows, wireframes and visual designs.

User management had to work for everyone
The screens had to show and hide different sections based on the user's permissions.

I also created the